Frequently Asked Questions
How can I reach Knidia?
Your point of destination is Yazıköy, on the Datça Peninsula.
There are minibuses from Datça centre to Yazıköy. To get to Datça you can use intercity buses directly to Datça.
If these are not available where you are, you may take a bus to Marmaris, and then a minibus to Datça. Alternatively you can use the ferry from Bodrum to Datça. When you have reached Yazıköy, a car from the farm will pick you up.
To inform us that you are at Yazıköy you can either call us (the number will be provided) or find the “Kahvehane” (cafe) in Yazıköy and tell them that you wish to get to Ali Somer’s farm, they will let us know.
Alternatively, you can reach the farm by a 40 minutes walk from Yazıköy. We advise those arriving by car to ask for directions after they have reached Yazıköy.
Shall I bring sleeping bag, etc.?
No, you don’t need to. All the equipment is provided by us no matter if you are a guest or a volunteer at the farm.
Is shopping close by?
No, it is not. We advise that you attend your basic shopping needs in Datça. The closest pharmacy is in Datça, so we strongly advise you to stock up on medicines if you are using any.
Is there any internet?
No. The farm has no landline nor internet. The closest available internet is in Yazıköy (3,5 km).